Takuyo Co., Ltd. (hereafter called "the Company") recognises that customers’ personal information (information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address from which an individual can be identified; hereafter called “personal information”) is highly important and therefore must be protected. When obtaining customers’ personal information, the Company regards it as its social responsibility to carefully handle and appropriately manage all information. Furthermore, the Company has established the privacy policy set out below and other internal privacy regulations, has thoroughly explained the policy to its directors, employees and their families, and is working hard to protection of personal information. This is to prevent leaks, loss, damage and unauthorized access to personal information.

1. Collection and use of personal information
When obtaining personal information, the Company will clearly state in advance the purposes of use and any provision agreements. Upon receiving the acceptance of the customer, the Company will take the utmost care to use personal information appropriately within the scope of the purposes of use. Moreover, the Company reserves the right to use customers’ personal information for the following purposes.
- Informing customers of products and services.
- Answering enquiries from customers.
- Replying and contacting customers regarding recruitment entries and enquires thereof.
- Other uses linked to a purpose agreed upon in advance with the customer.
However, in the following cases, the Company reserves the right to use customers’ personal information for purposes outside of the above purposes of use without the express permission of customers.
- Instances based on Japanese law.
- Instances in which using personal information is required to protect the life, person and property of an individual.
- Instances in which using personal information is required to improve public hygiene or to promote the healthy growth of children, but in which obtaining the express permission of customers in advance is difficult;
- Instances in which using personal information is required to cooperate with procedures carried out by a government agency, a local authority or an fiduciary of the above, based on Japanese law, but in which obtaining the express permission of the customer may impede the execution of procedures.
2. Provision of personal information and commission of information handling
The Company will never provide customers’ personal information to any third party without the express agreement of the customer. However, the Company may share customers’ personal information with affiliates and partner companies within the required scope of purpose, pursuant to obtaining personal information. In such instances, the Company will inform customers of their intention in advance and the affiliates and partner companies concerned will take appropriate measures to comply with this privacy policy.
If the Company commissions all or part of the handling process of personal information, or provides customers’ personal information to a third party, the Company will choose only parties which sufficiently meet its data protection standards and will take all appropriate measures in accordance with contracts and agreements.
3. Management of personal information
The Company takes rational safety measures in its technical and organisational fields so as to prevent against leaks, loss, damage and unauthorised access to personal information. Furthermore, in the unlikely event that an error occurs, the Company will take immediate and appropriate remedial measures.
4. Compliance with Japanese law, government policy and other regulations
When obtaining and handling personal information, the Company shall comply with all applicable laws, government policy, regulations set by other administrative bodies (and bodies corresponding thereto) and guidelines regarding the handling of personal information.
5. Regarding the continual improvement of this privacy policy and internal regulations
The Company plans for the continual improvement of this privacy policy and internal regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information. In the case that the company revises this policy, all of the revisions shall be made available to the public on the Company’s website.
6. Requests for the disclosure of personal information and responses to complaints and consultations
(1) Customers with a complaint or consultation item regarding the Company’s handling of personal information and other items should contact the Company’s “Personal Information Response Window”.
(2) Customers who wish for their personal information to be disclosed, edited, amended or deleted, or who wish to decline the use or provision of their personal information should contact the Company’s “Personal Information Response Window”. The Company will endeavour to meet all requests as quickly as possible within a reasonable time frame. However, customers who wish for their personal information to be deleted or amended may not be able to use some of the services provided by the Company thereafter.
Date of enactment: 1st July 2008
Hiroshi Yamamoto,
President, Takuyo Co., Ltd. |