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  Yakeuchi Bay, Amami Oshima Island

Here at Takuyo, we have set up seedling supply bases on both the Pacific Ocean
and Japan Sea coasts, from which we procure bluefin tuna fry weighing between 200 and 500g. Locally, these fry are called “Yokowa”. Using a live fish transport vessel, we transport these fry to our fish nurseries in Amami Oshima Island, Hayato in Kagoshima Prefecture and Amakusa City in Kumamoto Prefecture.
There, we have designed and built large scale bluefin tuna preserves measuring 48m×28m×20m in size. Bluefin tuna, which schools at high speed in broad ocean, can thus freely grow up in a roomy environment.

At Takuyo, we pay the best attention to the stability in supplying the best quality fish by rearing fish in various nurseries.
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